Friday, 5 April 2013

Just one chocolate bar


Whenever we are going to eat Chocolate we are worry about its harmful effects. As everyone knows
“Excess of everything is bad”
Even when you eat healthy food in excess its still associated with lot of harmful effects. Same here in the case with chocolate .whenever you are going to eat a lot of chocolate it will surely be associated harmful effects  but when we are talking about a single chocolate bar once a day,it will be a healthy food. Chocolate contains such constituents associated with number of benefits .
·         Increases energy by stimulating the central nervous system.
·         Side effects include anxiety, irratibiltiy ,insomnia and agitation. High dosage required for  toxicity.consuming 600mg of caffeine is associated with headache,lethargy,irritability.
 Affects The Heart.
The problems are that this is the chemical that small children may be unable to process. It is the substance which is so harmful to dogs.
 Serotonin: Induces feelings of temporary happiness.
Chocolate affects the part of The Brain which produces these feelings.
Opioids: These contribute to the feelings of relaxation and happiness experienced when chocolate is eaten.
 Phenyletylamine: Produces feelings similar to: falling in love.
The Brain releases endorphins which induce feelings of pleasure.
Cannabinoid Mimics: Chocolate stimulates the same brain receptors as cannabis.
Anandamide: Stimulates brain pathways which enable the happiness messages to be transmitted.
This helps to maintain the experience of feeling good.
Sugar: Most people can identify with feeling tired at times. Sugar aids The Body in the release of a short burst of energy.

Cocoa or dark chocolate may positively affect the circulatory system. Other possible effects under basic research include anticancer, brain stimulator, cough preventor and antidiarrhoeal activities.
Studies have shown heart benefits from increased blood flow, less platelet stickiness and clotting, and improved bad cholesterol.These benefits are the result of cocoa's antioxidant chemicals known as flavonoids, which seem to prevent both cell damage and inflammation.
It also prevents from heart diseases  such as heart attack and stroke.the mechanism lying behind this is inhibition  of LDL oxidation (the oxidation of which results in waxy substances that stick to arterial walls).The inhibiting substance  present in chocolate is polyphenols.

It helps in B.P management.hypertensive people who ate 3.5 ounces of dark chocolate per day for two weeks saw their blood pressure drop significantly, according to an article in the journal Hypertension. Their bad cholesterol dropped, too.
Chocolate milk may help you recover after a hard workout. 
German researchers gave 24 women a half-cup of special extra-flavonoid-enriched cocoa every day. After three months, the women's skin was moister, smoother, and less scaly and red when exposed to ultraviolet light. The researchers think the flavonoids, which absorb UV light, help protect and increase blood flow to the skin, improving its appearance.
chocolate may boost your memory, attention span, reaction time, and problem-solving skills by increasing blood flow to the brain. Chocolate companies found comparable gains in similar research on healthy young women and on elderly people.
Neuroscientists have investigated the effects which chocolate has on The Brain. Chocolate contains around 380 different chemicals. Eating this popular treat is well known to produce feelings of contentment and happiness.
Scientists became interested in finding out more about; the chemicals contained in chocolate to help people suffering from obesity and eating disorders.

·        The women who ate chocolate were all younger than the ones who didn't; it was age .

·        A BBC report indicated that melting chocolate in one's mouth produced an increase in brain activity and heart rate that was more intense than that associated with passionate kissing, and also lasted four times as long after the activity had ended

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